WHat is game design & development?

Game design is the process of designing the content and rules of a video game in the pre-production stage and designing the gameplay, environment, storyline, and characters in the production stage. Video game design requires artistic and technical competence as well as writing skills. Within the video game industry, video game design is usually just referred to as "game design", which is a more general term elsewhere.

Game development is the process of creating a video game. Development is undertaken by a game developer, which may range from one person to a large business. Traditional commercial PC and console games is normally funded by a publisher and take several years to develop. Indie games can take less time and can be produced cheaply by individuals and small developers.

2D & 3d GAME DESIGN graphics

2D computer graphics are digital images that are computer-based. They include 2D geometric models, such as image compositions, pixel art, digital art, photographs,and text. 2D graphics are used everyday on traditional printing and drawing. There are two kinds of 2D computer graphics - raster and vector graphics. Raster graphics or bitmaps are composed of arrays of pixels. Each pixel can be a differentcolor or shade. They are edited on the pixel level and are used on most old computer and video games, graphing calculator games, and many mobile phone games. Vector graphicsare composed of paths. Paths are used to describe the images by establishing mathematical relationships between points within an image. Vector graphics are mainlyused on photographic images.

3D computer graphics are graphics that use 3D representation of geometric data. This geometric data is then manipulated by computers via 3D computer graphics software in order to customize their display, movements, and appearance. 3D computer graphics areoften referred to as3d models. A 3D model is a mathematical representation of geometric data that is contained in a data file. 3D models, can be used for real-time 3D viewing inanimations,videos, movies, training, simulations,architectural visualizations or for display as 2D rendered images

A 3D model is not technically a graphic until it is visually displayed as a 2D image through a process called 3D rendering. 3D models can also be or used in non-graphical computer simulations and calculations. One of the advantages that 2D graphics have over 3D models is that they allow more direct control of the image and are easier to change with relatively simple software packages. 3D models are not so easy to change because it requires specific 3D modeling skills and more complex and powerful 3D model software. 

game programming

Game programming, a subset of game development, is the software development of video games. Game programming requires substantial skill in software engineering as well as specialization in one or more of the following areas, which overlap heavily to create a game: simulation, computer graphics, artificial intelligence, physics, audio programming, and input. Though often engaged in by professional game programmers, many novices may program games as a hobby.

Programming refers to the code that lies at the core of any video or computer game. Programming is the math and logic that makes the game happen. Within most game studios, programming accounts for more people than any other discipline. The game industry sometimes parses out the more specific areas beneath the umbrella term "programming," to include game programming, AI programming, engine programming, tools programming or engineering, and network programming or engineering.

the video game industry

commmonly asked questions

How many adults are playing video games?

Approximately 97 percent of teenagers and 81 percent of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 play video games, according to a Monday study from the Pew Internet & American Life Project. About 60 percent of adults ages 30 to 49 are gamers.

How much money is spent on video games?

American consumers spend more than $25.3 billion a year on video games, both new and used, according to a report released today by market researcher Newzoo. That number includes how much money is spent on new console and PC games, as well as online transactions and used games.

What percent of kids play video games?

According to NPD, 91 percent of U.S. children ages 2-17 play video games (64 million). More interesting, these numbers are up nearly 13 percent from a 2009 study. The number of kids in the U.S. has increased by 1.54 percent in that time, but not nearly enough to make up for the massive increase in game playing.

How many gamers are there in the world?

More than 1.2 billion people are playing games worldwide, according to a state of the industry report by Spil Games. Of those, about 700 millionplay online games. That amounts to 44 percent of the world's online population, according to comScore data cited by Spil Games.

examples of games